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New properties to rent

Here is a selection of the newest properties to rent on RentDodo by verified users only.

New rooms to rent

Here is a selection of the newest rooms to rent on RentDodo by verified room hosts only.

What is RentDodo?

RentDodo is transforming rental applications in Ireland with TenantCert, making the process simpler and more secure for both tenants and landlords.

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Discover RentDodo's simplified features designed to make your rental experience easier.

Update your TenantCert

TenantCert is our free tool for renters to make it easier and safer to share your pre-letting information.

Apply to rent with one-click

With your TenantCert, you can easily apply to rent on RentDodo or any other platform.

TenantCert benefits

Streamlining your rental experience

RentDodo's core feature, transforming rental processes.

Easy, secure, and hassle-free rental applications for tenants.

Upload and verify personal information in one secure place.

Includes ID & income verification as well as references.

Eliminates repetitive tasks for faster applications.

Empowers tenants and makes renting easier and safer.

RentDodo is changing the game for renters and property professionals – join now and access our platform for free!

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Rent easier with RentDodo.

RentDodo is made and hosted in Ireland.

Registered office: 77 Camden Street Lower, Dublin, D02 XE80. Company no: 686534.

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